….Bezoek Annual Labor and Employment Law Conference..Attending Annual Labor and Employment Law Conference....


….Bezoek Annual Labor and Employment Law Conference..Attending Annual Labor and Employment Law Conference….


….Van 6 tot en met 9 november 2019 waren Martijn en Christianne aanwezig op de 13th Annual Labor and Employment Law Conference, welke dit jaar in New Orleans plaatsvond.

..From 6 to 9 November 2019, Martijn and Christianne attended the 13th Annual Labor and Employment Law Conference, which was held in New Orleans this year. ….

….Op donderdag, vrijdag en zaterdag woonden zij diverse panels bij, waarin ook verschillende leden van ons internationale netwerk Innangard zitting hadden. “Pay Equity around the World: The Next Chapter of the #MeToo Movement”, “Addressing Workplace Mental Health Issues around the World” and “Solving the Privacy Puzzle in the Workplace”  waren zo wat onderwerpen die de revue passeerden.

..On Thursday, Friday and Saturday they sat in on various panels that included several members of our international Innangard network. ‘Pay Equity around the World: The Next Chapter of the #MeToo Movement’, ‘Addressing Workplace Mental Health Issues around the World’ and ‘Solving the Privacy Puzzle in the Workplace’ were just a few of the topics discussed at the event. ….

….Op donderdagavond 7 november vond het jaarlijkse diner van de “International Committee” plaats, waar Amerikaanse arbeidsrechtadvocaten die internationale zaken doen en arbeidsrechtadvocaten uit andere werelddelen elkaar ontmoetten. Dit diner werd gesponsord door Innangard. Op vrijdagavond 8 november was er een feest in The House of Blues, waar de vibes van de stad New Orleans goed voelbaar waren.

..The annual dinner of the International Committee – a gathering of US employment law attorneys who conduct business internationally and their peers from other continents – took place on the night of Thursday, 7 November. This dinner was sponsored by Innangard. The vibes at the party held at The House of Blues on the night of Friday, 8 November were unmistakably ‘New Orleans’. ….

….Het was een zeer geslaagd congres, waar we veel bestaande relaties ontmoetten en nieuwe contacten opdeden!

..The conference was an unequivocal success; not only did Martijn and Christianne meet up with many existing associates, they also forged new connections. ….
